Family Tree

Gamble Chart - ZIP of JPG, 4Mb or PDF, 5Mb. The Wallpaper.
You can pan and zoom on the image below - also, go full-screen with the button at top right.
This family tree chart is centred on the marriage on 24th March 1897 at St Saviour, Nottingham, UK of

Walter Geary (b.11/7/1874 in Sherwood, Nottingham - d.1925) and

Gertrude Hooley Thompson (b.4/4/1878 in Nottinham Byron - d.1917).

It is believed that the chart was researched and drawn up by Barbara Marie Winter (née Gamble) sometime around 1992 for Sheila Sobol (née Geary).

The actual chart measures 88 inches by 21 inches and appears on the back of a roll of wallpaper.

The scans were prepared by Stephen Sobol in September 2015.

ADDENDUM - To add to the addendum email me at

2015-10-01 Stephen Sobol: "Sheila Sobol (née Geary) died 12th August 2003."
2015-10-21 Anna Smith: "Lucy was born in 1979 not 1980."
2015-12-12 Stephen Sobol: "John Sobol (b.26/1/1945) died 4th November 2015."
2019-07-13 Stephen Sobol: "Jack Geary died on 6th November 2018."
2019-07-13 Stephen Sobol: "Ida Geary (née Clarkstone) died on 7th July 2019."
2020-05-12 Stephen Sobol: "Oliver Matusiewicz, born to Robert and Julia 5/2/1988 - died 12th February 2020."
2020-05-12 Stephen Sobol: "Georgina Geary died on 9th April 2020."
2020-10-18 Stephen Sobol: "Grace Anne McCarthy - a daughter to Jack and Vicky McCarthy - was born today."
2021-07-06 Stephen Sobol: "Joshua Lamont - a son to Jennifer Sobol and Matt Lamont - was born today."
2022-07-30 Anna Smith: "Maisie Rankin born 26th July 2022 Weighing 4lb 15oz (3 weeks early). She is tiny! All well."
2023-04-30 Stephen Sobol: "Jacob McCarthy - a son to Jack and Vicky McCarthy - was born today."
2024-02-24 Stephen Sobol: "Rowan Lamont - 2nd son to Jennifer (Sobol) and Matt - was born today."

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